Viewpoint Realty International

Activities to enjoy in Tampa with your kids while staying safe during the pandemic

Although the number of COVID-19 cases in Florida has been declining in the past several weeks, it’s certainly no reason to lower your defenses – the coronavirus is still out there.  

Safety guidelines such as social distancing and frequent handwashing should be practiced at all times. Still, the best way to avoid getting infected is to try to limit your interactions with other people, as the virus primarily spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets.

If you’re looking for some new things to do in Tampa today while staying safe, here are some suggestions:

Exercising and spending time outdoors

Exercising is a great way to relieve stress and stay fit, and can burn off the excess energy for the younger ones. Search online for fun exercises you can do with your kids while staying at home, and try to maintain a regular routine.

If you want to get some fresh air, parks, trails and other outdoor venues in Tampa are open, so feel free to enjoy a relaxing walk or run (while keeping six feet away from others, of course). 

Go on a virtual tour

If you’re looking for educational activities, you’ll find many museums, zoos, and tourist destinations offering interactive virtual tours online. It’s an excellent way to stimulate your children’s imaginations and enhance their knowledge, all while having fun and seeing new places from the comfort of your own home. 

Here are some free kid-friendly virtual tours you can check out:

Get in touch with friends and relatives

Now is the perfect time to reconnect with relatives or friends. Don’t hesitate to reach out – even a quick “Hello, how are you?” can offer lots of comfort and can bring a smile to their faces, especially during these challenging times.

You can turn this into a fun geography activity for your kids by listing down family and friends living outside your state, or even in another country. Offer some fun facts about different places, such as historical details, famous residents and destinations, local sports teams, and other information. Afterwards, you can get your friend or relative on video chat and ask them to share stories about what it’s like to live there.    

Play some board games

Playing traditional tabletop games is always fun, and can help encourage teamwork, strengthen bonds, and bring your family closer together. Videogames are fun to play, but they can’t quite match the experience and energy of gathering around a table, competing, and sharing the joy and excitement that a good board game can provide.  

Make things more exciting by organizing your own tournament! Create a point system and keep track of each family member’s points on a makeshift scoreboard, and give out prizes for the winners every week. 

Set up an indoor obstacle course

Create a thrilling indoor obstacle course made with common household items! Use some yarn to map out the entire course, construct a small bridge out of dining chairs, build a pillow and blanket tunnel, and so on. All you need is a little creativity to make a fun obstacle course for your kids to enjoy!

You can also consider adding in educational sections to your obstacle course by mixing in some multiple choice questions, math problems, and other brain teasers.  

Watch nature documentaries, theater performances, and musicals online

Can’t find a good movie to watch with your kids? Consider introducing them to educational content such as nature documentaries, musicals, and theatrical plays that are available online.

Nature documentaries are excellent because most kids love animals. They’re also curious by nature, which makes it a perfect activity to keep them entertained and informed. 

Exposing your kids to theater at an early age is also a great way to boost their creativity and encourage them to develop new skills. Who knows – after the pandemic blows over eventually, they might want to see a live theater show or join a workshop! You can watch hundreds of theater productions online by visiting BroadwayHD.

These are just some of the many fun activities you can enjoy while staying safe during the pandemic. It helps to know that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. All of this will pass eventually, but until then, we should do what we can so our families stay healthy, both physically and mentally.

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